The future came. You'd think that means the apex of the progress and science, but no. After the epidemic spread all over the world in 2022, 95% of the whole population mutated into horrible creatures without any moral values or humanity and started hunting everything that moves. The planet became empty.

Top Action Hell Game!
Good Platformer Game!
The Best Game - Enjoy!
The Best Cool Shooter!
The Best Game - Enjoy!
Top Action Hell Game!
Good Platformer Game!
The Best Cool Shooter!
Top Action Hell Game!
Good Platformer Game!
Top Action Hell Game!
Good Platformer Game!
The Best Game - Enjoy!
Good Platformer Game!
The Best Cool Shooter!
Good Platformer Game!
The Best Parkour Game!
The Best Cool Shooter!



Jeff 23:08:2019, 11:46

In the ASTRAL game, I cannot pass the level where the boy goes through the train cars where there are two machine guns and has to jump down from the last car and get to a manhole to go down the ladder without getting killed by the monster. I have looked for a walk-through but cannot find one. Please tell me how to pass that level or send me a URL where there is a walk-through. I have played that level a hundred times already, but I cannot beat it.

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